Sign Up Instructions
Complete the 4 steps below to sign up for the 2024/2025 season
The deadline for returning team members to sign up is September 6th.
The deadline for new team members to sign up is September 20th.
No extensions will be given!
1. Complete the online Member Sign-Up form linked here.​
​2, Print out and complete the Liability Waiver & Addendum.
Scan and email both to​.
​​​​​Please note: Student and parent must both print name, sign, and date.
​3. Email copy of Medical Insurance card to
​​​​Make sure to include student's name in email.
4. Family Donation
​​A donation of $475 per family is due to the team by September 20, 2024​.
Donate Online (preferred)
Please use the following link to make your family donation:​
​Make sure to include your team member's name in the "add note/comment."
You will automatically receive a receipt for tax purposes.
Donate By Check
If you prefer to pay by check, make the check payable to "Team 1389 Whitman Robotics Boosters, Inc."
Mail to:
Team 1389 Whitman Robotic Boosters, Inc
P.O. Box 669
Glen Echo, MD 20812
Team 1389 Whitman Robotics Boosters, Inc.
For more information on the team's operating budget and fundraising goal for the year, click here.