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FRC Team 1389

First Robotics Competition 

2020 Theme.PNG

This Years Game: 




Our team, The Body Electric, competes each year in the FIRST Robotics Competition. We build robots, but beyond that, our team’s goals align with those of FIRST: inspiration, teaching, and outreach. To achieve the first two, we have our mentors and more senior students lead our meetings, teaching younger members the skills they already have. For the last, we host events at our school, from competitions where thousands of people attend to open labs where our more immediate community can learn about our team.



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The Body Electric

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Team 1389 P.O. Box: 669 Glen Echo, MD 20812

Team 1389 Whitman Robotics Boosters, Inc. is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN number 81-5144914

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